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North Lamar ISD COVID Cases

North Lamar ISD COVID Cases

North Lamar ISD is committed to transparency as we communicate during the COVID-19 pandemic. However it does take time to ascertain facts and details of a reported case when we learn about it, and we ask your patience as we work to first take care of the individuals who test positive and anyone in which they may have come into close contact. These individuals are contacted directly by their supervisor and also by Lamar County Health Department.

North Lamar ISD reports positive cases to the Lamar County Health Department and relies on their guidance and recommendations regarding self-isolation and quarantine requirements for anyone they deem as "close contacts."  The definition of close contact according to the Centers for Disease Control and the Texas Education Agency is evolving with our understanding of COVID-19, and individual scenarios should be determined by an appropriate public health agency. In general, close contact is defined as:

  • being directly exposed to infectious secretions (e.g., being coughed on); or
  • being within 6 feet for a cumulative duration of 15 minutes; however, additional factors like case/contact masking (i.e., both the infectious individual and the potential close contact have been consistently and properly masked), ventilation, presence of dividers, and case symptomology may affect this determination.

Either (a) or (b) defines close contact if it occurred during the infectious period of the case, defined as two days prior to symptom onset to 10 days after symptom onset. In the case of asymptomatic individuals who are lab-confirmed with COVID-19, the infectious period is defined as two days prior to the confirming lab test and continuing for 10 days following the confirming lab test.

Close contacts should follow the stay at home protocol as outlined by the CDC. COVID-19 testing for close contacts is not necessary, as negative test results can occur at any time while the virus is incubating. The role of schools in identifying close contacts is to provide relevant information to local health departments, not to determine close contacts in the absence of public health guidance.

Although the district discloses case information to LCHD, we must maintain confidentiality for the individual who tests positive.

If you or someone in your household experiences symptoms, tests positive for COVID-19, or has close contact with someone that tests positive, contact the school nurse or principal. Cases will be reported to the campus principal, nurse, and to our administration office to ensure appropriate notifications and cleaning protocols are followed.



Campus Staff Cases Student Cases Recovered Staff Cases Recovered Student Cases
Higgins Elementary 0 0 0 0
Everett Elementary 0 0 0 0
Parker Elementary 0 0 0 0
Bailey Intermediate 0 0 0 0
Stone Middle School 0 0 0 0
North Lamar High School 0 0 0 0
Goodman/Administration 0 0 0 0
Maintenance/Transportation 0 0 0 0


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Contact Information

North Lamar Independent School District
3130 N Main
Paris, Texas 75460

Monday – Friday

7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.



Phone: 903-737-2000