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Counseling Services

North Lamar ISD – Counseling and Guidance Services

The purpose of the North Lamar ISD Counseling and Guidance Program is to promote and to enhance the learning process. School counselors work closely with administrators, teachers, parents, students, and the community to support the North Lamar ISD mission and to accomplish goals which focus on academic success, career information, and personal/social development. Please contact the school counselor with any questions regarding the counseling program at your school.

Higgins Elementary Counselors’ Comprehensive Plan

Everett Elementary Counselors’ Comprehensive Plan

Parker Elementary Counselors’ Comprehensive Plan

Bailey Elementary Counselors’ Comprehensive Plan

Stone Middle School Counselors’ Comprehensive Guidance Program

North Lamar High School Comprehensive School Counseling Program Framework

Clicking the counselors' names below will take you to their individual emails.

North Lamar High School Counselors

9th & 10th grade – Amy Anderson

11th – 12th grade  – Shannon Ausmus


Stone Middle School Counselors

6th grade – Kathy Barker

7th – 8th grade – Jennifer Bryant

Bailey Intermediate Counselor

4th – 5th grade – Keith Chalupa

Parker Elementary Counselor

PreK – 4th grade – Tiffany Page

Everett Elementary Counselor

2nd – 3rd grade – Tracey Prunty

Higgins Elementary Counselor

PreK – 1st grade – Shawna Brown

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Current Condition: scattered clouds

Temperature: 61.99ËšF

Feels Like: 61.12ËšF

Wind Speeds: 3.24mph

Weather humidity: 69%

Chance of Precipitation: %

Contact Information

North Lamar Independent School District
3130 N Main
Paris, Texas 75460

Monday – Friday

7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.



Phone: 903-737-2000