The North Lamar Independent School District is comprised of 2 elementary schools, 1 intermediate school, 1 middle school, and 1 high school.
W.L. Higgins Elementary School
Grades PreK-1
Principal: Lori Malone
School Hours: 7:40 AM-4:05 PM
Address: 3130 North Main Paris, Texas 75460
Phone: 903.737.2081
Aaron Parker Elementary School
Grades PreK-4
Principal: Amber Soliz
School Hours: 7:40 AM-4:05 PM
Address: 98 County Rd 44112, Powderly, TX 75473
Phone: 903.732.3066
North Lamar Intermediate School
Grades 2-5
Principal: Angela Compton
Assistant Principal: Shelly Bivens & Jodie Ingram
School Hours: 7:40 AM-4:05 PM
Address: 3130 North Main Paris, Texas 75460
Phone: 903.737.2061
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Frank Stone Middle School
Grades 6-8
Principal: Loy Dean Clark
Assistant Principal: Sarah Bryant
School Hours: 7:40 AM-4:05 PM
Address: 3130 North Main Paris, Texas 75460
Phone: 903.737.2041
North Lamar High School
Grades 6-8
Principal: Mark Keith
Assistant Principal: Amanda Moore & Dale Berglan
School Hours: 7:40 AM-4:05 PM
Address: 3130 North Main Paris, Texas 75460
Phone: 903.737.2011
Bailey Success Center
Alternative Learning Center
Principal: Patrick Fuller
School Hours: 7:40 AM-4:05 PM
Address: 3130 North Main Paris, Texas 75460
Phone: 903.737.2000 ext 1700